

2012. szeptember 30., vasárnap

Tropical feeling

As I see in Spain palm trees grow everywhere. And parrots fly free!  


Today we were in Malaga and we tried how to travel on a horse carrige and the man told us, that the palm trees on the street are 200 years old! The beach was fantastic as well as the tropican park.

Then we saw a moorish castle and it was so old it had no roof just a lot of beautiful gardens and a lot of founains. It was really great and fantastic.

2012. szeptember 29., szombat

Travelling to Spain

So I woke up at 3:00 in the morning and I was off to the airport . The journey was three hours long  and I was so excited. I thought it was going to be sunny in Spain but no! It RAINED and I was shocked when  I was told we could not go into the hotel until 16:00 ! So we had to go to a near town, and just in the afternoon when we went into the hotel we watched TV and slept. I was really-really tired.

Dolfins in Spain

I now know that dolphins live in spain, and foud some information! Did you know that they EAT dolphins? They do, well in some countries, but some dolphins swim with piranhas so even by accident about 3000 dolphins die because of fishing Oh and I know that they keep a Oso named dolphin and teached him to fight sharks .